Disclaimer: There is no return on randomly listed items and opportunities. All questions should be directed to eplingillustrations@gmail.com. As purchaser, you assume all risk and responsibility whatsoever for any and all losses or damages to items arising from issues from mail or the mail services. Epling Illustrations ensures that all artwork will be properly prepared for mail in order to avoid most undeliberate damages stemming from the mail service. All artwork is guaranteed to be original and unique and created by Christopher Epling.
Those visiting via a direct-link can access the main website for Epling Illustrations by clicking on this link here
Beginning late 2016 and extending through 2017, a collection of 'mini-comics' will be made available through MONK MEDIA!
Artists wishing to have their titles carried on MONK MEDIA should send a review sample of their mini-comic to: Epling Illustrations (Mini-Comic Review) Po Box 183 Regina, KY 41559 *Review copies non-returnable
MONK MEDIA is planning to launch our Fall 2017 lineup for indie books! Yours could be one of those! Be sure to send copies of your book, not your original artwork.
Those selected to be published through MONK MEDIA will have the opportunity to attend large conventions and sell your work!
Please make sure you provide good contact information within your packet. *Review copies non-returnable
Have any questions? You can email me at eplingillustrations@gmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE: All of my sketches and original artwork is available through my online store at http://eplingillustrations.storenvy.com. Just click on the link above to visit. Thanks!